Hospice FAQ's


What Is Hospice?

Hospice care is for people who are nearing the end of life. We see hospice as a new way of life for those who have a life limiting illness. The new way of life includes a care team who aides to bring you pain control and comfort during the final hours, days, months or even year. The program is elected when you are ready to stop aggressive treatment.

Hospice care services are provided by a team of health care professionals who maximize comfort for a terminally ill person by reducing pain and addressing physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs. To help families, hospice care also provides counseling, respite care and practical support. Unlike other medical care, the focus of hospice care isn't to cure the underlying disease. The goal of hospice care is to support the highest quality of life possible for whatever time remains.

Who Provides Care?

Ultimately the care is provided by a Case Manager Registered Nurse who works closely with your elected attending Physician. The Nurse has a team of people that includes but not limited to a Social Worker, Chaplain, Home Health Aide and trained Volunteers. Care is delivered by a team of professionals who address the patient's needs on a medical, physical, emotional and spiritual level.

How is Hospice Care Started?

Care begins immediately following a physician’s referral. Our attentive staff then reaches out to you or your loved one and begins the admission process. If you are unsure and would like a courtesy consultation via phone, zoom or in person; we would be honored to speak to you.

An R.C. Hospice Care representative will make an effort to visit the patient within 2-4 hours of that referral, providing the visit meets the needs and schedule of the patient and family/primary caregiver. R.C. Hospice Care also exceeds expectations when it comes to delivering the Durable Medical Equipment needed in most cases for starting Hospice care.

Can Hospice Make a Difference?

In most cases Hospice is the difference when an individual is nearing the end of life. That difference is knowing you have every resource, equipment and care necessary for your specific illness. For example medication, equipment, supplies and medical staff are a phone call away. Visits are always made in a timely manner when you need them. You are in control of your care, our Physicians are very attentive about the quality of care on your final journey.

Additional Resources

For more information about hospice care, you can visit the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization and Mayo Clinic